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UNESCO and the Boston Global Forum Makrs Annual World Reconciliation Day, Sept. 9th
Date de l’évènement: 
sam, 2017/09/09

Thursday, June 8, 2017

UNESCO and The Boston Global Forum Makrs Annual World Reconciliation Day, Sept. 9th

To Foster Global Peace, Security, Tolerance, Kindness on


Press Contacst: Dick Pirozzolo + 1 617 959 4613, dick@pirozzolo.com

Tuan Nguyen + 1 617 286 6589, tuan_nguyen@bostonglobalforum.org

Boston, MA — September 9th is designated World Reconciliation Day by UNESCO, the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and The Boston Global Forum, and will be commemorated locally with a program at Harvard University

World Reconciliation Day at Harvard University:

Time: 8:30 AM, September 9, 2017

Venue: Loeb House, Harvard University

Participants: Professors from Harvard University, MIT, UCLA, and universities in Boston;

Consuls-General from other countries in Boston

Business leaders in Boston

Program Agenda:

Introduce President Gov. Dukakis:  Professor Patterson

Opening Remarks by Michael Dukakis

The Distinguished Lecture on Reconciliation: Professor Thomas Patterson

Recognize Professor Joseph Nye: Distinguished Global Educator for Peace and Innovation, Professor Carlos Torres.

The Distinguished Lecture on Reconciliation: Professor Joseph Nye.

Announce excellent innovations and solutions for world reconciliation: Gov. Dukakis.

Announce and discuss the solution for world reconciliation 2017

            Solutions for the North Korean Peninsula

Moderator: Governor Michael Dukakis

Introduce World Reconciliation Festival: Nguyen Anh Tuan

Closing Ceremony: Gov. Dukakis

The event is hosted by Tuan Anh Nguyen, UNESCO-UCLA Chair on Global Learning and Global Citizenship Education and cochairman of The Boston Global Forum.

“The purpose of Annual World Reconciliation Day is to foster world peace, security and creativity to  make the world a better place with more tolerance and kindness,” Nguyen said in announcing the program hosted by the Global Citizenship Education Network (GCEN).

According to Nguyen, “The world’s great universities are urged to participate with a focus on events scheduled at Harvard University and UCLA. Other leading universities and cultural organizations are being scheduled to participate with events such as Reconciliation Concerts and a World Reconciliation Festival.”

September 9th events commemorating World Reconciliation Day Include:

  1. Publish and evaluate initiatives on reconciliation and peace: showcasing the best solutions.
  2. The Distinguished Lecture on Reconciliation: a world-renown authority will speak about reconciliation, focusing on ideas to reduce problems that lead to continual world conflict.
  3. The Global Educator Award for Peace and Innovation: Present the Global Educator Award for Peace and Innovation on World Reconciliation Day each year at Harvard and UCLA.
  4. Conciliation Concert: Call upon city and university symphony orchestras to participate with reconciliation concerts every September 9th and encourage
  5. World Reconciliation Festival: Put reconciliation into practice by communicating the benefits of reconciliation, elimination of hatred and value of tolerance. Discuss the quintessence of art and culture with an eye toward encouraging philanthropy.

World Reconciliation Day also calls for the United Nations and Vatican leadership to seek support from mosques, churches, temples, and pagodas around the world and join in on the World Reconciliation Festival, held online and live to encourage personal connections around the world.

The World Reconciliation Day Council along with the Global Education Leadership Innovation Council will select and honor the Global Educator for Peace and Innovation on that day as well.


Reconciliation Concerts 2017:

September 9th, 2017 performances will be recognized by the Global Citizenship Education Network as official 2017 Reconciliation Concerts:

Vietnamese Cheo Theatre, Quan Am Thi Kinh, Cheo Theatre

Cellist Tamas Varga, Vienna Symphony Orchestra, and Ambassador of the Global Citizenship Education Network, Tokyo.

Violinist Hyung Joon Won, Artistic Director of the Lindenbaum Festival Ensemble, Seoul.

World Reconciliation Day Council Members are:

Governor Michael Dukakis

Professor Marcello Suarez-Orozco

Professor Carlos Alberto Torres

Professor Joseph Nye

Nguyen Anh Tuan

Professor Thomas Patterson

Professor David Silsberweig

Professor John Quelch

Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki

Professor Koichi Hamada

About The Boston Global Forum

Established in 2012, The Boston Global Forum brings together, in an open and accessible public forum, an eclectic and engaging spectrum of highly regarded academic leaders, real-world experts, influential thoughts leaders, media experts and promising young leaders.

BGF’s immediate goal is to identify emerging threats to peace and stability around the globe, suggest realistic solutions, and identify possible actions that can be taken to avert armed conflict. The Forum’s ultimate goal is to lessen tensions, promote peace and security, and foster conditions that lead to greater social justice and broader economic prosperity wherever they are most needed.
