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Korea Youth Sustainable Development Council, SDGs Youth Builder Academy 2nd lecture 'Global Citizenship Education' held... Successful completion


[Korea Youth Council News / Intern Reporter Kwon Hyo-min] On October 28th, the Korea Youth Sustainable Development Council (hereafter Cheong Ji-hyeop) conducted 'Global Citizenship Education' as the second lecture of the SDGs Youth Builder Academy. Following the first lecture with the theme of 'Peace and Human Rights', many young people interested in sustainable peace participated again this time. 


First, the academy opened with global citizenship education. The lecture was conducted by invited lecturer Lee Ji-yeon of the Hi Global Citizenship Education Instructor Council. This lecturer, who said that he has more foreign friends than Korean friends, shared with the young people what he had experienced while traveling around the world. It showed that even people of different cultures can form deep relationships with each other, and emphasized the responsibility of global citizens to respect diversity and coexist. 


In addition, this lecturer explained that most of the refugees who cause terrorism are those who have experienced hatred and discrimination, and argued that hating and excluding refugees has rather negative consequences. Therefore, it conveyed the message that refugees entering Korea should be treated with hospitality rather than hate. 


After the global citizenship education, in October, we had time to share best practices for the 'Peace and Human Rights' mission. Recalling the 'Refugee Refugee NGO Afghan Consultation' held on October 1 and the 'IOM Seminar on the Rights of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities' held on October 6, youth builders were able to reflect on their activities in the beginning of October. 


In addition, remembering the 'Refugee Education for Refugees' held on October 18 and the latest video of the Ukraine-Russian War watched on the 19th of the same month, we also shared the activities of the second half of October, and what activities young people can do for sustainable peace. I had time to look back on what I did. In addition, each individual shared their personal activities and donations to discuss small changes in their practices and ideas they would like to propose in the future. It was a place for dialogue to remind us that human beings can help each other, solidarize, and create a peaceful world, free from hate and war. 


As the last ceremony, we had time to guide the SDG Youth Builder mission in November. The theme of the November SDGs implementation mission is “Living as a global citizen”. After listening to this lecture, youth builders will find, plan, and execute activities that they can practice, and conduct a performance report in November. The goal is to enable people to move forward as global citizens through practices that respect diversity regardless of race, religion, or nationality. The second lecture of the SDGs Youth Builder Academy was concluded with the announcement that the third lecture of the next academy will be conducted under the theme of 'disability and human rights'. 


CEO Jeongpil Kim, who also successfully concluded this event, said about the significance of this education, “Peace and partnership, one of the 17 goals and prerequisites of the SDGs, seems to ‘start with human rights and end with human rights’.” Education is the foundation for thinking about the rights of all people in the global village beyond the Korean Peninsula by examining how we living in Korea are connected to each other and how citizens living in different continents and cultures are connected to each other and how each other's actions affect each other. It was very meaningful to be prepared.”