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세계시민교육 시리즈 1편: 국제개발협력 및 SDGs

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
성남 | 2021 | 07:39 (7min 39sec)
Autor corporativo : 
Korea Internatioanl Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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세계시민교육 시리즈 6편: 난, 민이라고 해

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
성남 | 2022 | 26:26 (26min 26sec)
Autor corporativo : 
Korea Internatioanl Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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세계시민교육 시리즈 5편: 젠더렌즈로 보는 세상

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
성남 | 2021 | 22:17 (22min 17sec)
Autor corporativo : 
Korea Internatioanl Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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세계시민교육 시리즈 3편: UP CYCLING

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
성남 | 2021 | 24:36 (24min 36sec)
Autor corporativo : 
Korea Internatioanl Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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세계시민교육 시리즈 2편: 72, 세상을 살리는 시간

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
성남 | 2021 | 21:04 (21min 04sec)
Autor corporativo : 
Korea Internatioanl Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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세계시민교육 시리즈 4편: DR 콩고 소녀의 행복 찾기

Location of production | Year of production | Running time : 
성남 | 2021 | 18:01 (18min 01sec)
Autor corporativo : 
Korea Internatioanl Cooperation Agency (KOICA)
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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The SDGs PlayBook

Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación : 
[Abuja] | [2021] | 46 p.
Autor corporativo : 
Nigeria Youth SDGs Network
Regiones : 
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청년을 위한 UN과 SDGs 핸드북

Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación : 
Incheon | 2017 | 69 p.
Autor corporativo : 
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
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지속가능발전교육(ESD)과 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)의 관계 탐색과 비판적 관점에서의 논의 (국제이해교육연구; Vol. 19, No. 1)

Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación : 
서울 | 2024 | p. 39-72
Autor corporativo : 
Regiones : 
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한국의 SDGs 이행보고서 2021

Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación : 
대전 | 2021 | 100 p.
Autor corporativo : 
통계청 통계개발원
Regiones : 
Asia y el Pacífico
