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Teacher’s Seminar in GCED: Spreading the Culture of Peace to Teachers in Bhutan

Co-organized by Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) and Bhutan National Commission of UNESCO (BNCU), Workshop in Bhutan on GCED (Global Citizenship Education) took place for two days between 14 and 15 of October 2017 in Lhuentse District(Dzongkhag), Bhutan.


The Workshop in Bhutan on GCED is the second post-Fellowship programme, Fellowship Good Practices & On-site Training, following the workshop held in Lesotho last July. The case of Ms. Dechen Pelden (2014 Fellowship Participant from Bhutan) on “Teacher Training on Project-based Learning(PBL) and GCED Pedagogies” has been selected as one of the three good practices, and the Workshop has been implemented to further encourage her efforts to enhance the capacity of the teachers in the district of Lhuentse, Bhutan. After the completion of the Fellowship Programme in 2014, Ms. Dechen has shared the knowledge gained during the two months training by hosting teacher’s workshop on Project-based Learning and GCED at her school as well as assisting her colleagues to carry out actual projects with their students in the classroom scene.


The first day of the Workshop invited teachers of Autsho Central School located in Lhuentse District to learn about Project-based Learning and ways of materializing it in class. Ms. Dechen facilitated the session by first giving the basic concept and the steps of constructing projects in classes. She also provided several examples from her past experiences where she co-taught project-based classes on accounting. Discussions and dialogues on ways of implementation were carried out, and the teachers of Autsho Central School were grouped together based on the subjects they teach to generate actual lesson plans to be utilized in classes.


The second day of the workshop was a platform for teachers in Lhuentse District to build the participants’ capacities and share their own experiences in the field of GCED. The Workshop gathered 26 principals, UNESCO Club/ASPnet coordinators and district focal persons to deepen their understanding on GCED and present their practices of integrating GCED during classroom teaching or club activities. The participants also addressed challenges they have faced while implementing GCED initiatives and discussed on ways of further enabling Global Citizenship Education in the context of Bhutan.


Ms. Dechen will continue to share her knowledge on Project-based Learning with other teachers in Bhutan through facilitating six more workshops across the Lhuentse District.



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