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Gender and Peacebuilding Training for Primary School Teachers: Training Manual
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
| 2016 | 71 p.
Autor corporativo: 
© UNICEF 2016

The Gender and Peacebuilding training material is intended to be used for teachers teaching in primary or secondary school. It is shaped by a participatory approach. This is because the discussion of gender and conflict issues requires participants to sit back and reflect on their diverse experiences and knowledge. The training encourages the participants to learn from one another by sharing their thoughts, discussing their views and concerns, analysing situations and, most importantly, questioning attitudes and behaviours.


Tipo de recurso: 
Planes de estudios, material didáctico y guías
Derechos humanos
Paz / cultura de paz
Globalización y justicia social / Entendimiento internacional
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Primaria
Educación Secundaria