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Purple Alert: Spaces Free of Sexual Harassment
مكان النشر | عام النشر | الترتيبات: 
Bogota | 2021 | 92 p.
ISBN 978-958-644-325-8 (digital)
Yohandra Iriarte; Yuliet Lopez Moreno; Adriana Moreno; Danish Market; Maria Fernanda Mace Caraballo; Natalia Torres Lopez; Veronica Fernandez; Wendy Nunez; Monica Manotas Dager; Juliet Nieto Flowers; Yarimar Melendez; Leidy Laura Diaz Rooms; Joyce Trivino; Olga Batista; Roslin Puello; Yacira Branch; Dawn Arias; Stephanny Galeano Urzola; Carmen Yepez; Judith Medina; Denis Deulufeut Flour; Ladies Guard; Johassandy Ortega Susa; Schild Julius White; Adriana of La Ossa; Leidy Laura Perneth Couple
المؤلف المشارك: 
Center for Research and Popular Education; Program for Peace (CINEP/PPP)
أمريكا اللاتينية ومنطقة البحر الكاريبي

This document shares the experience of a meeting between a group of women from popular sectors of the city of Cartagena, to reflect on their right to a life free of violence. These meetings took place from the Circle of the Word of Women, developed by the Center for Research and Popular Education/Program for Peace (Cinep/Ppp) in the south of La Guajira, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and Cartagena, in within the framework of the project Intercultural Education for the Defense of the Rights of Ethnic Groups.


نوع المصدر: 
الأوراق البحثية/ مقالات المجالات
حقوق الانسان
التنوع/محو الأمية الثقافية/ شامل
المبادرات التحويلية/ الأساليب التربوية التحويلية
مستوى التعليم: 
التعلم مدى الحياة