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Education as a Security Issue
Lugar de publicación | Año de publicación | compilación: 
United Kingdom | |
Ian Jamison
Autor corporativo: 
Tony Blair Faith Foundation

The use of education as both tool and target of religious extremists globally is perhaps one of the most important generational challenges we face today. To ensure that the next generation is open to a more pluralistic world, we must ensure that their education equips them to safely encounter the 'Other'. This not only means improving knowledge, understanding and interaction, but also critically requires investment in developing essential soft skills that can ensure these are properly employed.

Tipo de recurso: 
Documentos de investigación / artículos de revistas
Cívico / ciudadanía / democracia
Globalización y justicia social / Entendimiento internacional
Nivel de educación: 
Educación Superior
Palabras claves: 
global citizenship education
learning to live together