Child labor between reality and hope abstract: Children make up nearly one-third of the world's population and make up nearly half of the population of many countries around the world. Thus, there is a need for tangible interaction between businesses and children's lives directly or indirectly. Children take a large share of attention as consumers in In this context, it was necessary to focus attention on children working in illegal businesses by preventing and eradicating child labor by tightening the standards and procedures necessary to reduce the phenomenon of child labor and to consolidate and highlight the rights of children. Where the phenomenon of child labor has begun to increase dramatically in the Arab world to the extent that it is dangerous, resulting in school dropout, family disintegration, and the increase in poverty and unemployment. The expectation is that the unemployment rate among the adult population will increase, , The term child labor is defined as depriving children of childhood, dignity and potential, and physically harming their physical and mental development, as well as their enslavement.